My other works

I’m now on Medium too.

I have recently started writing about other issues such as the rise of Islamophobia and other political issues we are facing. I currently publish these on the open news platform Medium but may start to publish them on this site in the near future.

As one reader said to me on Facebook when I asked if I should put all my content on here; “It’s impossible to separate politics from social issues so why not just put it all in one place?”

This does not mean in any way I am going to stop highlighting social issues. I have just found something I’m so passionate about that I want to expand on it.

If you want to know more about me and this site, check out the About Me section. It explains that as well as putting news to print, I have moved to a direct to social media model to help more people see thd news.

To view my new works you can visit my Medium Publication by clicking here.


This was my first commission by what is considered a traditional media outlet. They gave me a voice when I was at my lowest point on Universal Credit. I was treated like any other writer and given free reign to write what I wanted.


Actor Hugh Grant has been an amazing supporter. He still helps push my articles to this day. He took part in the #FoodbankChallenge I started last year at least three times.

He donated to his own website and then out of nowhere to Airdrie Foodbank in Southern Scotland, TWICE. The above article is about the first surprise donation.