WATCH – Also In The News – Episode 1

Universal Credit Sufferer
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Voiced by Amazon Polly

This is episode 1 of my new podcast: Also In The News – #AITN. Many stories don’t get the coverage that they should from mainstream news outlets. That’s why I have decided to start Also In The News.

This week I have chosen three areas to talk about.

It’s still in it’s infancy and was done in one take. As time goes on the format will develop and improve.

Please feel free to let me know what you’d like to hear more about. If you’re on Social Media use the hashtag #AITN to let me know what you want.


  • Pingback: WATCH – Also In The News – Episode 1 | sdbast

  • Pingback: WATCH – Also In The News – Episode 1 — Universal Credit Sufferer – Introverted but Socially Concerned

  • It’s very true that this government have been allowed to stamp on the disabled and dispossessed, but if they succeed in their current quest to depart the EU (and therefore The European Court) they will see this as a licence to heap more misery on the poor. Carer’s Allowance has been very important down the years for carers of the disabled, but only the European Court prevented Thatcher from bringing in a law to prevent women from claiming the benefit – for men it was OK, for women it was not! This is the same kind of nonsense we see today from IDS, McVey, Rudd and their ilk. As for the U.S. apartment, there could not be a worse time to buy U.S. property, as the housing market there is predicted to topple pretty soon. Should this ever be used (probably it won’t) then that’s another c. 6 mill down the drain.

  • Straight talking from someone who lives the conditions, an equal. You are informing and reminding us we are not alone. I, still, think doing this from your kitchen would enhance this experience. Others do it with a wall of books behind them, I guess we are to understand they are “experts”. Thing is, It’s hard not to see we are where we are because of a lot of “experts” and I am now “expert shy”.

    I will say, (you are young enough to be my son) you look a wee tired, maybe it’s just the overhead light but I hope you are as able to care for your own health as you do so others.

    Thank you

  • I lied, You all deserve better. I am not “expert shy” I am ‘expert-phobic’.
    There I have ‘come out’ with it, at last. ‘Expert-phobic’ and I’m not ashamed of it! I feel free-er, lighter, cleaner. My neighbour’s truth is enough for me to understand the state of emergency.